Saturday, November 17, 2007

My parent opinion....

My parents, they have lots of work to do. I think that they have spent half or more of their life time with their work. I see my parents working and I just can’t stop wondering if my parents have any friends. I asked my parents if they have some friends because I just don’t remember seeing my parents hang out with their friends. My mum answered that she does have friends but life has to go on, people have to find money for the family and life is not just something to hang around. So I think that my mum just taught me not to use my life with nonsense things. I am the kind of person that like to hang out with friends, so I don’t actually understand my parents how can they go a long time without seeing their friends.
Anyway that’s just my parents’ life style. My parents, they always care and worry about me. They care and like to know how my social life at school is and how is everything that I have been involved in because they want to make sure that I am in the right position and in a good community. Sometimes I don’t understand my parents, why they have to obstruct what I want to do or like to do. But then I understand them when the results come out after I did want I want to do and it was wrong. So I know that I have to believe and listen to my parents. My parents are the two people who love and care about me the most; they always want the best thing for me.