Sunday, March 9, 2008


What is Art? This question would be difficult to get the right answer because I think that Art is the thing that has lots of meaning and some people might have the different meaning for the word Art. For my self I think art is everything, everything could be art if we look it in the interesting way.
Art is not just a paint that have been drawing, sketching or painting, but it could be anything like the photo, the statue, the sew or even your bed room could be art like in picture that got the prize called “My bed”. Some people might think that ‘My Bed’ is not art and they were wrong because people have different opinion.
So I think that art is anything that you want to call it, no matter what other people think. Even nowadays photo or picture could be retouch, but I think that it is how the world of art could change. If the photos have been retouched I think it would still be a photo of art. I don’t know what other opinions are but I still believe that anything could be art. If we open our heart to accept lots of different things we might saw something interesting because ‘Art is unlimited’.