Monday, September 17, 2007

Young people today.

I’m one of the young people or teenager. I have heard lots of comments about teenagers today. Some might be a good side of teenagers, but some are the bad side that we don’t like to hear. But we just can’t avoid it.
Teenagers are the big group of people. It’s the group that is the future of the world. There is a sentence that said children today are the adults in the future. I think the sentence is absolutely true. The teenagers at present will be the future of the country or maybe the world.
There are many opinions for teenagers today. In my opinion teenagers today are very talented and creative. There are many teenagers whoi got the trophy from their ability in many ways. They have their own lifestyle. Some might be doing music, art, sport or some might like to study. Teenagers have lots of new thinking. I think they can do many things if they wanted and I think that they could be the good future for the country and the world. As we all know there are the good teenagers that are walking in the right way, but there many that are walking in the wrong way.
I think that everybody should give a hand for the teenagers that are blind or walking in the wrong way and should give some good praise for the teenagers that are doing the great thing.

Teenagers today are the adults in the future.

1 comment:

win said...

I agree with your idea with will be the future of the country or the world because teenage will grow up to old people and do a work it be energy of the world.