Monday, October 1, 2007

What society expects of ME

I always hear my parents saying “concentrate when you are learning at school, be a good girl” something like that. I’m sure that everyone will have heard of these sentences. All parents want their child to be good, be perfect and successful and that because they are our parents, they’re always worrying about us. Even if we are 30 or50 years old we will always be their little son or daughter.
There are many people that expects things from me. So I would give an example and talk about my parents expecting things from me. My parents expect me to be a good girl, be a nice girl, and be a smart girl and everything that will be good for me. I know that they love me, but sometimes I have my own idea and sometime they just think differently from me. I’m angry when they do not allow me to do things that I want to do. Like when I asked them if I can go to a concert with my friends, they have always said no. Of course the reason is that it is too dangerous for a girl to go concert. So I have missed lots of concerts that I wanted to go to.
My parents want me to get in the good university like Chulalongkorn University, Sillapakorn University or Thammasart University. All those universities are the top universities in Thailand. That’s made me have a lot of pressure. I’m afraid that I can’t do like what they expect of me. My mum want me to get in Hotel management at Sillapakorn University. It's not that I don’t like hotel management, but I’m just not sure about myself yet. I also want to go with Interior design and something about art. So I was getting a little bit worried about that. Anyway I will find the way out.We all know that parents love their children, but in my opinion as a child I think that sometimes parents should let go of their children. Let the children decide what they want to do and parents just give them the suggestion, not just decid everything for them. If they have done the wrong thing, they will learn from their experience. So don’t pressure your children and give a chance for them instead.


Anonymous said...

I think our parents want us to have a very good education and think a lot about us. Sometimes they want to protect of danger but sometimes we think that we are a young adult so we can protect by ourselves think so that now in Thai society have many danger so parents must worried about their child.
I think the reason that they want us to go to the good university because if we go to the good university we have a chance to choose a good job.

Anna said...

I like your blog. You told me about how you feel about the expect for you and why they expect to you. I think you are very good that can understand your parents. I think parents should to let the children decide their life too. I like when you told that you are worrying when your mom expects you to study Hotel management in Slilapakorn University but you do not really want to do that. I think it is the good example for people expect you to do something that you do not really want to do and then you are worry. I think you should not be worry because I think you will be happy because you chose the good university and you will study in good university too.