Monday, October 8, 2007


Culture” is a big word that most people think that they understand. But if we asked them what your country's culture is, how would they answer that question. At first, I thought that I understood the word “Culture”. But Peter shown me the presentation of Tata Young music Video and he asked him if this is Thai culture? I was silent because I didn't know what to answer him. Tata Young is a Thai person, but how could we say that Tata young is not doing the right Thai culture because she wore sexy,little clothes. Peter told us about at the first time he came to Thailand, he went in to the village and saw a woman wore a bra walking around and no one really cared about it because it’s what normally people do. I knew that there are differences between Tata young and woman in the old village. So we can’t say it easily that is what the culture is. But I do know that Culture is the thing that can change by the time, the society and the people. It’s not the thing that will last forever and never change. Actually culture is always changing, but we just weren't really interested about it very much. In my opinion now, I think that the culture is a tradition and activities that people think that is the right thing to do. It’s not the thing that we receive from other culture in the world.
Last Saturday I went to Kao San Road and interviewed the foreigners and asked the question about the everyday activities in their country. First question that I asked is about wearing the shoes in the house. In Thailand we normally take our shoes off before get it to the house, in the countries like Switzerland, Canada, Ireland, Germany and Holland they wore the shoes in the house or maybe they wore slippers. I think that just only the everyday activities are different, so there are many things that are different between countries's cultures. So the best thing to do is not say what culture is right or wrong because different cultures have different ideas of what is right or what is wrong.

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