Monday, October 29, 2007

How do you feel when you do something special or important?

In my life there are many experiences that I have done that are special or important. The special or important time for me is when I have to do something in public or with many people watching such as when i gave the speech in the assembly , singing in front of a large audience and being the leader for something.
In secondary school I have been in the music band and I’m not the professional singer,so Ihave never got used to standing in front of a large audience. At the end of the year the music band had to present the concert, so I had to be singing in the concert. There were my friends that have to sing in the concert too. When it wasn’t my turn to sing I felt normal and didn’t feel excited or nervous, but when it got to my turn I couldn’t sit still, my hands , my legs and my mouth shook because I was very nervous . I remember that when I was in Mathayom3 I had to sing the song that the King wrote. Before I got to the stage, Sompoi had to hold my hand and said something to give me the strength to make me feel less nervous. So then I felt a little bit better and have enough power to walk up to the stage. Anyway I still felt nervous and excited, those feelings took away my confidence and it took away my concentration in the song. When I sang, it came out very bad, wrong notes and wrong rhythm. I thought that the feeling of nervous and excitement made me do the special or important things badly, it covered e ability that I have. Even I knew that if I felt nervous or excited before I do something, it will take away my confidenceI still feel nervous and excited before i do something special or important


black said...

I agree with you Jan, because in life your pass many experiences. And I think you very very happy in you sang the song and I think your feel very nervous. And you have good friend and your friend cause you strength than in the past. I like meaning of some sentence, it cause I see your courage. And I think you “you are doing in your dream.”

nut said...

I have never sung a song in front of a large audience like you before so I don’t know actually how it feels but I agree with you that you will lose your confidence and your concentration when you were singing on the stage and sometimes make you sang wrong.
I think if you practice your singing more, you will sing better and have more confidence when you have to sing on the stage and you will make less mistake because your voice is very great anyway.